12 Ways To Make Daily Life Healthier
12 Ways To Make Daily Life Healthier

12 Ways To Make Daily Life Healthier


Good health and fitness is a journey with no short cuts. If that’s been putting you off, you should know that there are ways to make things easier for yourself. This is how the pros manage to look after themselves in their daily lives…

Tom McAdam

PT & founder of Basis London

Combine Cardio With Strength Training

“Strength is fundamental – for health, performance and to feel your best. I try to include at least two full-body strength training sessions per week, focusing on squats, deadlifts, presses, pull-ups, handstands and lots of core work. As my strength improves, I feel more resilient and capable. Maintaining aerobic fitness is also an important piece of the puzzle. Aim for two cardio sessions per week – I find a lot of value in longer, lower intensity work. A gentle 60-minute run, long intervals on the rowing machine or bike are great ways to build cardio fitness without wearing you down. If you have time, throw in a high-intensity conditioning workout – even better if you can do it on the rower, ski erg or bike.” 

Be Consistent

“The fittest, healthiest people aren’t the ones doing the most elaborate programmes – they’re the ones who’ve mastered the basics consistently over time. I book my training sessions in my calendar at the beginning of the week and plan most of my meals then order everything online so I don’t need to make nutritional decisions on the fly. I follow a training programme and work out with other people to reduce decision making and to keep motivation high. Think about your basic lifestyle habits and how you can make them better.”  

Train The Mind

“A high-performing, healthy body is worth very little without a calm, balanced mind. Don’t discount the power of meditation and breathwork. I start every day with 20-30 minutes of silent meditation, which primes me to be a better, happier person for the rest of the day. I use breathwork to help down-regulate and manage stress.” 

Visit Basis.London

David Higgins


Don’t Ignore The Niggles

“Remember there is no such thing as a quick fix – try to change too much too fast and you’ll struggle. It’s also important to listen to your body as you train. If you feel pain or a niggle, don’t ignore it, as chances are it will get worse. Foam rolling is underestimated when it comes to staying in shape – it’s an incredible way of releasing muscle tension from years of moving inefficiently. By releasing overworked muscles, you encourage smaller postural muscles to do their job. Get into the habit of foam rolling for 15 minutes before you start a workout. Mobility may sound boring, but it physically activates and protects the body and means you can exercise tomorrow, the next day and the next day.”

Visit DavidHigginsLondon.com

Dalton Wong

PT & performance coach

Find Something You Enjoy

“Exercise should be part of your lifestyle and should be enjoyable and fun. If you enjoy going for a run, that’s great. I’ve been doing Brazilian jiu jitsu for 13 years – it’s a great way to build strength and protect joints, which reduces your chances of injury. It also helps keep me lean and my weight in check. Think outside the box when it comes to staying fit.”

Visit TwentyTwoTraining.com

Shane Collins

founder of Kobox, NUA Health & Circuit Society

Prioritise Sleep

“I’m a night owl by nature, but work commitments mean I need to be up by 5am most mornings. When I lived in LA, I used to sleep with the blinds open so that I woke with sunrise rather than an alarm clock. Now I’m back in the UK, I try to do this as much as I can, although it’s hard in the winter. I recently invested in a Lumie light, which is a game-changer – it’s a clever bedside light that takes 45 minutes to slowly light up your room and wake you naturally. It does the opposite at night, too. Sleep is a crucial pillar of wellness, and the Lumie makes it that little bit easier.”

Visit CircuitSociety.fit

Anthony Fletcher

CEO & founder of Onetrack

Fuel For The Work

“If you’re regularly active, it’s far better to be over-fuelled than under-fuelled. Some people can survive on very little, but they are the minority and may not be doing their body any good. If you have a big day of activity ahead, taking on food before, during and after is essential. If it’s high intensity, taking on some carbs before training is essential to get the most out of your session. If you’re into running, find a gel you like and take one with you when heading out for longer than an hour. If your run is under an hour, a banana beforehand will suffice.”

Be Realistic

“Life can throw a spanner in the works – family commitments, young children, shift work – meaning sleep can be unpredictable. If you’ve had a good night, put more intensity or volume into your training session. Bad night? Go easier on yourself. Training is a form of stress, a lack of sleep is stress, and work is stress – there’s only so much the body can take. If one is really high, then the others will have to come down a little to keep the net amount the same.”

Visit OneTrack.Club

Douglas Robson

stuntman & yoga & meditation teacher

Have Some Respect

“Your body is for life – not just your 20s. Buddhism teaches that the body is a gift, and you should treat it as such. That doesn’t mean you should wrap yourself in cotton wool but treat your body with respect. An easy habit to fall into is to exercise for punishment, either for overeating or being lazy. Shift your perspective to train for longevity, to keep your body working well for the future. It’s not just about maintaining a healthy weight but also being mobile, fit and strong.”

Visit TheDownwardDoug.com

Rod Buchanan

PT & founder of Bod By Rod

Stretch For An Hour Each Week

“The body needs a fresh flow of oxygenated blood to recover. If your muscles are tight, this interrupts the flow of oxygen. An hour of foam rolling, stretching or massage every week keeps the muscles long, the aches away, and means the body will repair and recover faster. Stretching will also make you feel great – I can be at my leanest but feel exhausted. Finding a balance is when I feel healthy, strong, focused and alert.”

Visit BodByRod.com

David Wiener

PT at Freeletics

Keep Things Short & Sweet

“It’s a myth that you need to spend hours exercising to see results. I often see people in the gym (specifically the weights section) for three hours, but only exercising for 45 minutes. With that in mind, it’s far more effective to work continuously at 100% effort for 20 minutes. Participating in shorter workouts more often – as opposed to longer workouts less frequently – will undoubtedly be more beneficial. As with anything, quality over quantity is important. A 15-minute intense workout is more than enough time to show some real health benefits and get you fitter.”

Visit Freeletics.com

Samson Garwood

assistant head of fitness at Lanserhof at The Arts Club

Crunch The Data

“If you’re not testing, you’re guessing. Quantifying with realistic goals is one of the best progression tools to stay motivated. Whether it’s a waist size, body fat percentage or PB, we all need an initial baseline, score and target. Testing as you go will keep you honest and on the right track. At the same time, always have a plan before you enter the gym. This may sound obvious but if you only have 45 minutes to train, this time shouldn’t be taken up deciding what to do. The simplicity of having a plan and sticking with it is key to an efficient workout.”

Visit LHTAC.com

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